Work Experience
Digital Scholarship Librarian
I support faculty, staff, students, and colleagues within the library in developing and teaching with digital scholarship. I support the mission and day-to-day operations of the Digital Scholarship Lab (the lab). Leveraging 9 years of experience in web based library software development, I create and work with code and web resources in support of the lab and the library. Finally, I stay abreast of new technologies and strategically learn new skills and methodologies, dependent on the needs of the lab’s partners and patrons, with particular focus on Omeka S and digital collections. I am currently working with two different projects that are implementing Omeka S instances, and I’m a developer on the team building a new repository platform.
Before working in the lab, I was part of the Digital Scholarship & Curation Services unit. As a member of that unit, I re-framed the Digital Scholarship (Technology) Librarian role into one that incorporated both technical
expertise and instruction. I led a team of colleagues from multiple departments to create a style guide for the digital repository. DS&CS also advised colleagues in the library and across campus regarding digitization and digital preservation best practices.
Digital Library Programmer
As a Digital Library Programmer, My role was to plan, code, test, and implement technologies and systems to
promote and advance the library mission. I worked with the repository team, as well as with Catalog Services, to further develop and enhance in-house, open source, and vendor created software and interfaces.
The emphasis of my work was on areas related to discovery and collection stewardship. In particular, I developed a workflow for automating transcription of audio materials, and selected, tested, and implemented an Islandora module in order to display transcripts. I was also an advocate for transitioning the repository team to the Agile/Scrum methodology, and was a founding member of the group that completed the successful pilot.
Web Services & Emerging Technologies Librarian
My role was to create content for, design, implement, and maintain the library website, including one full site migration and one redesign. I was the technical lead on the Library’s Summon implementation. I was responsible for administering the library ILS including server hardware and software maintenance, for the system shared between the college and public library. I facilitated a system migration from III Millennium to III Sierra during that time. I worked with librarians, faculty, and other stakeholders to manage the overall library web presence, including LibGuides, ILLiad, Summon, 360Link, the web catalog and eventually the digital repository. I trained and managed a student worker to assist with redesign and code refactoring projects, and I designed and implemented a Git workflow to improve our ability to collaborate efficiently.
Adjunct Reference/Instruction Librarian
Taught course-integrated library instruction for a variety of classes, particularly English 101. Provided reference assistance and technology help to students, faculty, and staff at the reference desk, via email and chat, and by phone. Adjunct instructed one section of English 101 in Spring 2011.
Instruction & Reference Short-Term Position
I was hired upon graduation in December 2009, after concluding my internship, to continue reference and instruction. My role was primarily to assist with the library instruction request load; I worked with various undergraduate classes providing course-integrated instruction. I participated as a memeber of the Lesson Study curriculum development committee, including giving test instructional sessions. I provided reference assistance at the desk and over chat. I worked with Amanda Peters on the annual Cafe Shapiro student writing contest and event. Finally, I analyzed the Shapiro Undergraduate Library's web presence in relation to that of other campus library sites and made recommendations for improvement.
- Embedded Librarian in DH340 [was AL340]: Digital Humanities Seminar – DH and Critical Theory, Spring 2017
- Embedded Librarian in SW420: Social Work Policy, Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2021
- Embedded Librarian in DH285 [was AL285]: Introduction to Digital Humanities, Fall 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Selected Presentations, Workshops, and Publications
- Collins, Nathan, Sruthin Gaddam, Devin Higgins, Megan Kudzia, and Megan Schanz. Sandhill digital library platform. Expected publication pending copyright approval from MSU Technologies.
- Horner, P., Graves, C., Kudzia, M. (2020) Technological Literacy for Social Work Students. Manuscript submitted for publication.
- Kudzia, Megan. Reviewer, Programming Historian Lesson: Crowdsourced Data Cleaning with Python and Pandas. 09/30/2020.
- Kudzia, Megan, Kristen Mapes, and Kate Topham. "Digital Humanities in Practice: Project Development and Digital Pedagogy." Invited lecture and workshops at the University of Illinois at Chicago, February 2020.
- Kudzia, Megan, and Deborah Margolis: Scalar Digital Edition. #DLFTeach Toolkit: Lesson Plans for Digital Library Instruction. 08/16/19.
- Boyles Petersen, Andy, Megan Kudzia, and Kristen Mapes. "Understanding the Value of the Librarian in Digital Scholarship: Beyond Tools and Tutorials." Mi-ALA Conference, May 2019.
- Graves, Carin, and Megan Kudzia. "Students as Scholars: Digital Scholarship Practice in Undergraduate Disciplinary Work." From Evidence to Scholarship. Reed College: March 2018.
- Kudzia, Megan, and Greg Lord. "Crawling the Library Dungeon." Bucknell Digital Scholarship Conference. Bucknell University: October 2017.
- Kudzia, Megan, Robin Dean. “Best Practices Exchange Hackathon.” Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners meeting. Wayne State University: March 2017
- Kudzia, Megan. “Art of Liaison, Instruction & Selection: Digital Scholarship Partnerships in the Classroom.” MSU, February 2017
- Kudzia, Megan. “Git and GitHub for Humanities.” MSUDH. East Lansing, MI: September 2016.
- Kudzia, Megan. “Audio Preservation and Automating Transcription.” Code4Lib Midwest. Chicago: July 2016.
- Dean, Robin, Megan Kudzia. “The ‘Getting Your Laptop Ready for Code Workshops’ Workshop.” Code4Lib. Philadelphia, PA: March 2016.
- Kudzia, Megan. “Git and GitHub.” Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners meeting. Allendale, MI: March 2016.
- Kudzia, Megan, Thomas Padilla. “Git and GitHub for Humanists.” MSUDH. East Lansing, MI: January 2016
- Kudzia, Megan. “Managing Digital Collections at Albion.” Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners meeting. Albion, MI: October 2015.
- Kudzia, Megan. “Version Control with Git.” MLA. Novi, MI: October 2015.
- Kudzia, Megan, Kate Sears. “Leveling Up Your Git Workflow.” Code4Lib. Portland, OR: February 2015.
- Kudzia, Megan. “Create Lists 101.” Innovative Users Group. Minneapolis, MN: April 2015.
- Kudzia, Megan. “FOSS4(small)Lib.” Code4Lib Midwest. Grand Rapids, MI: July 2014.
- Codecademy Course: Analyze Data with Python. Course in progress; taking this course to assist me with using my Python skills to interpret and analyze JSON data for my microgrant project.
- MSUL Community of Practice: Teaching and Learning. Participated in monthly sessions of 1.5 – 3 hours, readings and reflections as assigned. Academic year 2016 – 2017.
- DHSI: Drupal for Digital Humanities Projects. Completed an intensive, five-day workshop at the University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, June 2016.
- AMIA webinars on audio and video preservation and formats. Completed in East Lansing, MI, 2 — 5 hours a week, September — October 2015
- Advanced Python Mastery. Completed as an intensive, 4.5 day workshop in Chicago, IL, November 2015.
Memberships and Service
- Code4Lib:
- Member: July 2012 - Present
- Conference volunteer (Code of Conduct Duty Officer, Welcome Wagon): 2016, 2019
- Code4Lib Midwest:
- Member: July 2012 - Present
- DH@MSU (coordinated through the College of Arts & Letters):
- Curriculum Committee Member: 2018-2020 (Chair 2019-2020)
- Steering Committee Member: Fall 2016 - Fall 2017 (predates elections)
- Steering Sub-committees: Website, Curriculum, Events/Workshops, Global DH Symposium Planning: Fall 2016 - 2018
- ILiADS (Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship):
- Steering Chair: 2019 - 2021 (extended due to COVID-19)
- Steering Vice-Chair: 2018-2019
- Team Liaison: 2017, 2018
- Web Team: February 2017 - July 2018
- Liaison Co-Coordinator: February - July 2017
- Conference Expert (pre-liaison role): July 2016
- Mi-ALA:
- Membership Committee: 2018 - Present (Chair 2018 - 2019)
- Member: November 2016 - present
- Mid-Michigan Digital Practitioners
- Planning Committee: September 2014 - May 2017
- Member: August 2013 - Present
- MSU Library Committees, Working Groups, and Search Committees:
- Catalog Presence Advisory Committee: May 2016 - May 2018
- Code Club co-organizer: September 2015 - September 2016
- Digital Scholarship Lab Planning Group: June 2017 - Present
- Digital Scholarship Collaborative: member October 2015 - December 2017. Scheduling, website redesign groups: March 2016 - December 2017
- Digital Scholarship Pedagogy Interest Group: Founding facilitator, with Emilia Marcyk-Taylor, 2018 - 2020
- Digital Preservation Working Group: Founding member, March 2018 - Present
- Health Sciences Librarian Search Committee: April - May 2017
- Library Accessibility Working Group: May 2016 - February 2017
- UX & Assessment Librarian Search Committee: November 2015 - January 2016
- UX Working Group member: December 2015 - present
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI: MLIS, December 2009
Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI: BA English (Cum Laude), June 2008
Papers and research:
- Intercultural Research Project: Glassblowing in Art & Industry in Germany
- Senior Independent Project: Adapting the Anglo-American Vampire Archetype: the Contemporary Japanese Vampire Mythos